Andres Laguilavo

Software Developer

Andres Laguilavo

About Me

I am a technologist in Information Systems Analysis and Development. I am particularly interested in social issues and I enjoy contributing solutions to problems through technology.

I have worked on both individual and team projects, always achieving the best results. In addition to my technical skills, I also stand out for my effective communication, attention to detail, ability to work in teams, and adaptability to changes.


Frontend Developer

Jan-2024LIKA Software

I develop and implement technological solutions for high-level projects and clients worldwide, using a technology stack focused on web development with React, NextJS, Tailwind, Node, and PostgreSQL

I work closely with the backend and design team to ensure a proper approach and distribution of responsibilities. I have participated in prominent projects such as: Bodas Zeta, FitnessUY, Paydrink, Rent-a-boat, etc...

ReactJs Developer

Aug 2023 - Nov 2023GMO Solutions

Developed a web application based on the Minimals.cc design template, adapting it to the specific needs of clients. Implemented logic and user interface using React and Material-UI.

Integrated various features into the information system required from a task dashboard, utilizing best practices to achieve maintainable code over time.

Software Developer

Mar 2022 / May 2023Freelance

I developed an information system for LAVAPOR laundry using Next.js and TypeScript for the frontend, Tailwind CSS for the user interface design, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and cookies, and MySQL for the database.

This information system enabled the laundry to manage customer information, employees, and sales, allowing them to focus on providing better service and increasing profitability.

SENA Apprentice - Software Developer

Sept 2022 / Mar 2023Soporte Logico SAS

I resolved technological problems using tools such as .NET, Javascript, Microsoft, and SQL. I acquired skills in report generation tools, especially JasperReports, which allowed me to produce accurate and efficient reports. I participated in projects that improved team efficiency.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • TailwindCSS
  • Git
  • NextJS
  • NodeJs
  • SQL
  • GraphQL
  • file_type_astroAstro
  • Python
  • AWS
  • MongoDB
  • Angular
  • C#
  • .NET



  • NextJS
  • API Rest
  • Express
  • Auth0

Platform developed to simplify the tracking of daily expenses.

The user can register his expenses and visualize them in a table and graphs in order to keep track of his income and expenses allowing him to improve his financial life.


  • NextJS
  • API Rest
  • Express
  • Auth0

Platform developed to simplify the tracking of daily expenses.

The user can register his expenses and visualize them in a table and graphs in order to keep track of his income and expenses allowing him to improve his financial life.


  • NextJS
  • Clerk
  • MongoDB

My-Certifications is a platform developed to facilitate the storage and display of certificates.

Elegant and professional gallery to showcase recognitions throughout one's professional career.


  • NextJS
  • Clerk
  • MongoDB

My-Certifications is a platform developed to facilitate the storage and display of certificates.

Elegant and professional gallery to showcase recognitions throughout one's professional career.

SI Lavapor

  • NextJS
  • Tailwind
  • SQL
  • JWT

Information system aims to improve the efficiency of the laundry through data processing.

The processed information will allow the company to identify patterns and trends to optimize their work.

SI Lavapor

  • NextJS
  • Tailwind
  • SQL
  • JWT

Information system aims to improve the efficiency of the laundry through data processing.

The processed information will allow the company to identify patterns and trends to optimize their work.

Yard Sale

  • NextJS
  • Tailwind
  • GraphQL

E-commerce developed with Next.js and the Platzi Fake Store API.

Provides fictional product data for the simulation of a virtual store, filtering by product categories and more.

Yard Sale

  • NextJS
  • Tailwind
  • GraphQL

E-commerce developed with Next.js and the Platzi Fake Store API.

Provides fictional product data for the simulation of a virtual store, filtering by product categories and more.

Cinema Data

  • React
  • CSS

Platform for exploring movies, where users can find a wide selection of movies organized by genre, trends, and more.

This project is built using React and The Movie Database API.

Cinema Data

  • React
  • CSS

Platform for exploring movies, where users can find a wide selection of movies organized by genre, trends, and more.

This project is built using React and The Movie Database API.


  • Astro
  • View Transitions
  • Contentful

Cake-Shop is designed for the display and sale of cakes.

Users can explore a variety of unique and customized cakes, place orders via WhatsApp, and contact to request a cake according to their needs.


  • Astro
  • View Transitions
  • Contentful

Cake-Shop is designed for the display and sale of cakes.

Users can explore a variety of unique and customized cakes, place orders via WhatsApp, and contact to request a cake according to their needs.


    See More certifications


    Don't hesitate to get in touch with me to discuss how I can contribute to your team!